
Prenatal Massage

A nurturing massage, mindful of both you and your baby, tailored specifically to what arises during the various stages of pregnancy. Common issues like lower back soreness, hip and sciatic pain, restless leg syndrome, round ligament pain, and fatigue can be addressed as well as overall wellness and muscle relaxation allowing change for your growing baby.


Natural Labor Induction Massage

A calming combination of prenatal massage and acupressure to encourage your body to increase oxytocin levels and move you towards the first stages of labor. Must be 37 weeks or further for this massage.


Postpartum Massage

A rejuvenating massage for your mind and body throughout the next 16 months following baby’s birth that addresses your needs for structural realignment, relief from sore neck and shoulders due to feeding and holding baby, and some much needed “you time” during this time of giving so much.


Wellness Massage

An essential massage for routine self-care personalized according to your individual needs for bodywork and wellness.


Self-Care is Essential